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  • MEA

Lame Duck Update

It required unflinching, sustained action by MEA leaders, members, retirees, and staff, but we pulled school employee pensions out of the Republican leadership’s line of fire in lame duck. Our efforts also helped to halt a tax change that would have taken $425 million from the School Aid Fund.

Those fights are not over, and we will have to remain vigilant as a new Legislature is seated in January.

From MEA Executive Director Gretchen Dsiadosz: “We generated tens of thousands of legislator contacts. MEA-Retired, as always, was there for us. Our lobbyists worked tirelessly with their counter-parts with AFT Michigan and the various school associations. Our Labor Economist put together an absolutely essential district-by-district analysis that was a critical factor in convincing many legislators the costs were too high. Our communications staff cranked out great communications in a constantly changing environment."

Take a Moment to Thank Lawmakers Who Listened

We know the fight over school employee pensions is not over, so take a moment to thank the lawmakers who’ve stood on our side so far – and ask them to continue holding the line against ill-advised “fixes” to a system that isn’t broken.

Many lawmakers responded to the flood of calls from constituents by holding fast against Republican leaders who had called school employee pension changes a top priority for the lame duck legislative session – despite billions of dollars in projected costs over the next five years and beyond.

The list of senators who declined to support rushed lame duck pension changes includes every Senate Democrat and the following Republicans:

  • Mike Nofs

  • Marty Knollenberg

  • Margaret O'Brien

  • Tom Casperson

  • Wayne Schmidt

  • Tory Rocca

  • Ken Horn

  • Goeff Hansen

  • Dale Zorn

Please take a moment to reach out and thank all state Democratic senators and the Republicans who listened to your concerns.

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