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  • Jeff Simms, MCCEA Counseling Rep

MCC Care Team Offers Online Depression Screenings as part of the 26th Annual National Depression Scr

Anonymous, Confidential, and Free Online Mental Health Screenings and Treatment Information Available at

To increase awareness and encourage early intervention for mood and anxiety disorders, Mott Community College Counseling and Care Team is offering online mental health screenings as part of an annual campaign to bring public attention to the critical needs of students living with depression and other mood disorders.

October 6 is National Depression Screening Day, a day when colleges and universities across the country host events to raise awareness about the importance of recognizing the signs of depression and seeking treatment. According to a 2015 study of almost 20,000 college students, nearly a third of students surveyed reported feeling so depressed it was difficult to function in the past year. Depression is a treatable condition that many students experience and often the hardest part is taking the first step. Mott Community College Counseling and Care Team provides quick, easy, and anonymous online mental health screenings for all of its students.

Similar to many physical illnesses, early recognition and treatment offers the best opportunity for recovery from mental illness. The anonymous and confidential screening tool is designed to help students examine any thoughts or behaviors that may be associated with depression, generalized anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, or posttraumatic stress disorder. After completing the self-assessment, students are connected with Mott Community College resources and local community resources if necessary.

“Increasing numbers of college students are arriving on campus with mental health issues,” said Licensed Professional Counselor and National Certified Counselor, Jeff Simms. “Our goals with these screenings are to help identify students who may be struggling with depression or other mood disorders and connect them with quality treatment options early on. A note of gratitude to the Foundation for Mott Community College for their generous support of mental health awareness and suicide prevention.”

About Screening for Mental Health

Screening for Mental Health, Inc. (SMH), the pioneer of large-scale mental health screening for the public, provides innovative mental health and substance abuse resources, linking those in need with quality treatment options. SMH programs, offered online and in-person, educate, raise awareness, and screen individuals for depression, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, alcohol use disorders, and suicide. Thousands of organizations worldwide including hospitals, military installations, colleges, secondary schools, corporations, utilize our educational and screening programs, and in turn, have reached millions of people ranging from teenagers to adults.

For more information about Screening for Mental Health, visit

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