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  • Kim Owens

National Society of Leadership Comes to MCC

Director of Student Life Dawn Vanniman began running a new leadership program for students last September, the National Society of Leadership and Success ( We sat down to talk with Dawn about the program, what benefits it offers students, and how students can join up.

What is the National Society of Leadership and Success?

It's the nation's largest leadership honor society.

How does this organization differ from the Honors College, or Phi Beta Kappa?

We do not have a specific GPA requirement for membership, nor do we require specific college classes. Several of the students in the National Society of Leadership and Success also belong to the Honors College or Phi Beta Kappa.

How can students become members?

We select students based on their leadership potential and/or their academic standing. We are focused on leadership and encourage strong academics. We are open to recommendations from faculty and staff, and we send out invitations in August and December.

Does it cost anything for a student to join?

Students do pay a one-time membership fee of $85.

What happens when a student wants to become a member? What does s/he have to do?

The students go through a process in order to be inducted: Orientation, Leadership Training Day, attend three Speaker Broadcasts and a minimum of three Success Networking Team meetings. The speakers in the past have included people such as Patch Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, John Maxwell and Kat Cole. The speaker broadcasts are shown live and then we also show a re-broadcast option.

In addition, we have Success Networking Teams - students are put into groups and they each choose a personal goal to work on, then meet with their group at least once per month to report back on their progress and get feedback/support/inspiration. They do have to do a report online for the advisor to approve. We are scheduling community service events, social events and more!

What are the benefits of becoming a member?

Once students are inducted, they have access to a job bank, scholarships and more. If they transfer to another college, they can transfer their membership to that chapter. If the next college does not have a chapter, they can start one and be a founder or join the online chapter. It is a lifetime membership.

UM-Flint started at the same time, so we can easily transfer our members there if they move across town. You may have seen our three inducted members at Commencement - they were wearing silver and black stoles and black and white cords.

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