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  • Kim Owens

Missed the last MCCEA General Membership Meeting?

Did you need to miss our April membership meeting? If so, here’s a quick summary:

We reminded everyone to complete the BlueFish survey that had been distributed to faculty.

We informed members of the rising number of student complaints (perhaps tied to Title IX changes)

We encouraged everyone to know their Weingarten rights and carry a wallet card with them at all times (see our April 1 article on this site)

We informed members of the importance in awareness of Board Policies, especially in grouping 5200 and 5800. (Read the MCC Board Policies here.)

If you need assistance in locating any of these items, please contact MCCEA Communications Officer Jackie Knoll ( or MCCEA President Larry Juchartz ( and we’ll point you in the needed direction.

A brief overview was also provided regarding Higher Learning Commission discussions with the college since January.

Also, we reminded members: Do not hesitate to contact management about any off-contract issues and problems, such as building noise, climate control, scheduling or bookstore errors, safety drills, etc. All of these are important issues that affect everyone, including and sometimes especially our students, so please speak out whenever needed.

Following the membership meeting, all faculty coordinators were asked to stay for a workshop designed solely for sharing and categorizing information about coordination at MCC.

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