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  • Kim Owens

Student Life Seeking Nominations for Paul Karr Cup

It's that time of year again where we nominate a deserving student for the Paul Karr Cup.

Paul Karr was a student at Flint Junior College during the 1920s. He was chosen as the Best Citizen in his class due to his high quality character, scholarship and valuable service to the college.

Paul Karr went on to become a Davison City Attorney, 1937-1957, President of the Genesee County Bar Association 1966-1967, Owner/Publisher of the Davison Index Newspaper and President of the college's Alumni Association. Mr. Karr died February 9, 1995.

In order to honor Mr. Karr, the Board of Trustees passed a Resolution on February 20, 1995, acknowledging his relationship to the college, his legacy, and his contributions by establishing the Paul Karr Cup.

The Paul Karr Cup is awarded on the basis of:

  • outstanding scholarship

  • character

  • valuable service to the campus and/or community

The graduate that receives this award will be noted in the Graduate Program and will speak at Commencement.

The nomination process includes selecting:

  • A student who is graduating, and who meets the criteria

  • A short narrative of how the student meets the criteria

  • The reason the person was moved to nominate the student

If the student is selected, we will need the nominating person to help us flesh out an official recommendation.

Please send your nominations to or

by Monday, April 11, 2016.

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