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  • Kim Owens

Snyder Recall Petition? Don't sign it.

MEA President Steve Cook has shared important information with us about the recently-approved language proposing a recall of Michigan governor Rick Snyder.

While this recall might appear to be linked to the Flint water crisis, there actually is no connection. This recall effort has been launched by a Warren School Board member, whose complaint is that Snyder is not conservative enough.

MEA, as well as your local EA, strongly encourage you to not sign any recall petitions that could result in Lt. Governor Brian Calley taking charge of the state and possibly signing even more anti-teacher legislation than Snyder has.

Again, signing the current recall petition will have no relation to the Flint water crisis. It will only support one local school board member's personal attempt to punish the governor over differences in political ideology.

Want to learn more about the origins of the current recall petition? Follow this link:

To learn more about the man behind the current recall petition, go here:

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