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  • Kim Owens

MCCEA Supports Detroit Teachers' Union

No doubt you have heard by now of the horrifying conditions in the Detroit public schools:



Floors with permanent water damage.


Temperatures anywhere between 30 and 90 degrees.

Headed by Ivy Bailey, the DFT (Detroit Federation of Teachers) has recently filed a lawsuit against DPS and Darnell Earley, Detroit's emergency financial manager.

Teachers' unions across the state, including your EA, have signed a resolution of support with the Detroit Teachers:

Dear Ms. Bailey:

We want you to know that the Mott Community College Education Association stands with the Detroit Federation of Teachers. The commitment of your members to stand up on behalf of students and appropriate learning conditions, is to be applauded. You are fighting, not just for the fairness you deserve, but for the quality of education Detroit’s children and all children deserve.

When Detroit public school staff stand up and fight back, you’re doing it for all of us. And you should know we appreciate it.

In solidarity,


Individual letters of support can be sent to Ivy Bailey, Interim DFT president,, or David Hecker, AFT Michigan President:

For details about the lawsuit, go here:

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