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  • Jackie Knoll, MCCEA Communications Officer

Welcome Back MCC Faculty!

Welcome back from break! We hope your semester is going along well so far and that you are enjoying your classes.

A couple of friendly reminders from your EA:

1) Door locks. Please check to make sure that all of your classroom doors lock automatically within five minutes of your opening it. Also make sure that your doors shut all the way when closed.

We know that last semester, there were some classrooms on campus with doors that did not work properly, and we are working with Facilities to keep track of these classrooms. If any of your doors do not shut or lock properly, in addition to notifying Facilities, please contact EA president Larry Juchartz at

2) Personal Time. FT faculty (except for SSS and ACSS) have two days of paid Personal Business time every school year. If you wish to take a personal day, you are under no obligation to disclose the reason, even if asked. Personal Business days that are not taken will go into your sick bank.

PT/ADJ faculty have Paid Time Off, which can be used for sickness, emergencies, or personal business.

Please see Article XII of your contract for more details about Sick & Emergency time and Article XIII for more details about Personal Business time.

Want a hard copy of your faculty contract? Please contact our EA Clerk Michele Champion at

As always, you can contact me ( with any questions or concerns.

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