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  • Kim Owens

Meet your EA Reps: Humanities Rep Kim Owens

The MCCEA is proud to welcome back to the board former Communications Officer Kim Owens (pictured at left with her two sons). After a three and a half year parenting break, Kim has agreed to step in to fill the vacancy created by departing Humanities Rep Paula Weston.

Faculty position at MCC:

English professor.

Educational Background:

BA from UM-Flint; MA from Eastern.

Why did you choose MCC?

My dad went here when I was 7 or 8. He had to take me class one night and the prof gave me the same test everyone else was taking. I thought that was the coolest thing eve and decided I wanted to work here. Sadly, calculus prevented me from being a math teacher.

How long have you been an EA board member?

Previously, I was on the board for 4 years [as communications officer]. Then I took my twin hiatus. Now I'm back.

Why is the faculty union important to you?

I firmly believe that a good union is essential in creating a healthy, positive work environment. I feel it's my duty to contribute what I can to that effort. Plus, I come from a union family.

What’s your answer to those who say educators aren’t laborers, so labor unions have no place

in education?

I worked in a GM factory for three years. It was a physically demanding job but when I went home, I was done. The job we do is mentally and emotionally demanding. When we go home, we are not done. Like me, most teachers are constantly looking for ways to improve their class. Or trying to help their students. Or being good ambassadors for their institution. The list goes on and on. That's my answer on a good day. If someone asked me that on a bad day, they'd get a snarky "obviously, you've never been in the classroom" followed by a withering glare.

Who’s someone you really admire and respect?

My parents. Now that I have kids, I am starting to understand how hard they worked to give us a really good life and a solid foundation to build on so that we would continue to have a good life with our own families.

What book (or books) are you currently reading?

Love and Logic. It's a parenting book that explains how to remain and raise kids to be responsible for their actions. I need all the help I can get in this department!

What do you like to do (or, where do you like to go) to relax?

The boys just turned 4 and we're still struggling with sleep issues, so the most relaxing thing for me is 3-4 hours of uninterrupted sleep. It is rare but so wonderful when it does happen.

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