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  • Kim Owens

Meet your EA Reps: Delegate-At-Large Frank Sobie

Faculty position at MCC:

Geography and GIS Geographic Information Systems (GIS) instructor

Educational Background:

BS & MS from Eastern Michigan University

BS Major in Geography & minor in Geology

MS in Land Use Planning

Why did you choose MCC?

It was a great opportunity and a new challenge. When I was hired at MCC, I had no teaching experience; my entire career had been in industry. Coming here got me out of my comfort zone, which is a good thing.

How long have you been an EA board member?

2nd year of a 2 year term

You are a Delegate-At-Large. Can you tell us a little bit about what that means, and what your role is on the EA board?

I Keep up with current issues at MCC and offer input to seek positive outcomes.

Why is the faculty union important to you?

Great people are in our union. They deserve a voice and need our support/representation.

What’s your answer to those who say educators aren’t laborers, so labor unions have no place

in education?

We may not be laborers in the sense of manufacturing, but that does not mean that our members are not entitled to have representation.

Who’s someone you really admire and respect?

Yichun Xie PhD, Professor of Geography at Eastern Michigan University. He encouraged me to apply for the teaching position at MCC; I never thought I would get it. It’s been wonderful so far!

What book (or books) are you currently reading?

“Choose Yourself” by James Altucher

Next book à “The Death of Money” by James Rickards

What do you like to do (or, where do you like to go) to relax?

I previously lived in New Orleans and like to travel there. It’s a great city for people-watching! Also, I love golf, but I’m not very good at it.

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